Saturday, February 26, 2011

King Ambarisha and Sage Durvasa

King Ambarisha and Sage Durvasa

Feb—26—2011 Saturday Ambareesha was a noble king of Ayodhya; he was a great devotee of Bhagavan Sri Maha Vishnu. Once he asked his family priest Maharshi Vasishta what he should do to serve Bhagavan Vishnu. Vasishta said that he should perform Dwadashi Vrata. Dwadasi is the twelth day of the moon next to Ekadasi the eleventh day of moon. This vratha is an extension of Ekadasi Vrata when the devotee breaks his fast by drinking holy water used in pooja / abhishekam (Paaranam) on Dwadasi day soon after vratha (worship); latest before 12 hrs, noon.

One day the great sage Durvasava came to meet the king. It was a Dwadasi day. Durvasav went to river to take a holy bath after which both would take Paaranam(breaking the fast with water). But Durvasav did not return from bath. After waiting for a long time till 2 hrs afternoon, as per the advise of the priest, Ambarisha drank Paranam. Soon Durvsava came along and found that the King had taken Paaranam. Durvasa was proud and had ego; he felt this was a great insult to him, the holy Sage. The king tried his best to explain his behaviour. He tried to pacify the sage politely. But the Sage's anger increased and he created a terrible demoness called Kritya with his divine powers and sent her at the king to cut off his head. Immediately Sudarsana, the divine toothed-disc-weapon of Bhagavan Sri Maha Vishnu rushed in between and cut off the head of Kritya and started chasing Durvasava.

Sage Durvasava was terrified and ran to Brahma's abode to seek protection; but Bhagavan Brahma declined. Chased by Sudarshana chakra, Durvasa ran to Bhagavan Shiva to save him; and he also declined. Again chased by Sudarshana, the sage ran to Bhagavan Sri Maha Vishnu. Bhagavan Sri Vishnu asked him to go back to Ambarisha and beg his pardon. Again chased by Sudarshana, Durvasava ran back to Ambarisha and begged his pardon; noble Ambarisha readily pardoned the sage, upon which Sudarshana retired, ending his agony. Durvasava blessed Ambareesha with boons.

The morals of this story : (1) Anger is the worst enemy of any person and harms him. (2) God (Bhagavan) protects his true devotes always.------------ Compiler : Prof. Komaragiri Venkata Ramana Rao. Ph.D., (Retired Professor; Andhra University College of Engineering); Astrologer-Scienitst. Durham. NC; U.S.A.: (Tatayya = Grand-father). My e-mail address : I dedicate all these stories in this blog to Sri Parama Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara ! ---------------------------

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