Friday, February 18, 2011

Great persons are always humble

Great persons are always humble

Feb—19—2011 Saturday

Bhagavan (Lord) Rama, the Paramaathma (God), was of course the greatest warrior ever. Bhagavan Sri Krishna in Bhagavadgita remarked “I am Rama among warriors”. Rama learnt all the sciences (Shastras) and unparalled Dhanurvidya (archery) under the guidance of the great Sage Maharshi Vasishtha. He was also given super-human powers like bala, athi bala by the great sage Maharsh Vishwamithra, the author of the divine Gayathri manthra. Vishwamithra maharshi also taught Rama all the secret astras that ever existed, which only he in this whole universe knew (he originally learnt them from Bhagavan (Lord) Shiva. In addition to these, Maharshi Agasthya bestowed Sri Rama many additional divine powers. A few examples of Bhagavan Sri Rama’s valour:

1. With a songle arrow Rama killed fierce demoness taataki. 2) With two simultaneous arrows he killed mighty demons, Subaahu and threw Maaricha seven seas away.

2. Effortlessly he lifted the Shiva dhanush (archer), which was pulled to the court by around by 500 strong persons.

3. Rama killed demons Khara, Dhushana, their 1000 brothers and their army in 12 minutes (one muhurtha) single handed. 4. With one arrow he struck seven mighty and huge palm trees to ground.

Despite being such a great warrior, he never displayed hix strength on his own to exibit to others. The anger on the samudra (God of ocean) served as a good example for this noble quality of Rama:

Demon king Ravana gave 30 days time to Sita maata to decide if she would marry him, else he would kill her. Bharata took word from Rama saying that if he did not return on the next moment of 14 yrs of aranyavaas, then he would sacrifice his life, himself. Rama and his army reached the shores of ocean with barely 30 days in hand. They have to cross the ocean, defeat Ravana and his army, to take sita back to Ayodhya before 30 days time. With such a press for time and given the strength of Rama, Lakshmana suggested Rama not to spend time requesting ocean God for way, but to order him sternly.

What Rama did was unbelievable. Though he had the strength and power to control the ocean God, he did not do it. He did penance on the shores of the ocean for 3 long days to give them a way. Finally after 3 days Rama got angry on the ocean and to remind his duty, aims a teerible astra-arrow at ocean to drain it; immediately ocean God appeared and suggested a way of crossing him.

Sri Rama must use the powerful asthra-arrow which he already aimed at ocean; he should not withdraw it. On the request of ocean God, he shot it towards far-far west. The result was a very huge continent, now called Krowncha dweepa (island) rose up from the deep oceans. The present huge continent of America (both north and south America) exist on that Krowncha Dweepa. Morals in the Story:

1. We, for our small petty achievements in life, are very proud (ahankaar) and given a small chance, display our strengths. The way of great people was quite different as shown by Bhagavan (Lord) Sri Rama.

2. One must never use the strength or powers just because he possesses him, but judiciously use them for the benefit of everyone and benefit of Dharma.


1. Controlling one’s ahankaara (ego) is one the most difficult things. If it is controlled, we will have a more peaceful world.

2) Always powerful people who are polite are only respected by others. If Bhagavan (Lord) Rama Himself is so humble, as mere normal human beings imagine how much polite we must be to our parents and noble elders.------- Compiler : Prof. Komaragiri Venkata Ramana Rao. Ph.D., (Retired Professor; Andhra University College of Engineering); Astrologer-Scienitst. Durham. NC; U.S.A.: (Tatayya = Grand-father). My e-mail address : I dedicate all these stories in the blog with utmost devotion to Sri Parama Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara ! Aum tat sath ! ==================

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