Friday, December 17, 2010

The Story of Dhruva; Paer--2

The Story of Dhruva

Published on Dec—16—2010 (Friday) Sri Vaikuntha Eakadasi in Indian continent (all countries to the east of eastern longitude 50* and in all latitudes). Part-2

Bhagavan Sri Vishnu was astonished at this amazing wisdom of such a young child, patted him on his cheek and asked him to say what boon he wanted. Dhruva said, "Oh Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord))Sri Narayana, after having Your Darshan and getting Your Grace, I don’t want anything else." The Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord)) replied, "Dhruva, you undertook this penance with one thought, namely to sit on your father’s lap, but now you speak differently. Your words and action are contrary to your thought. You must go back to your father with My divine blessings. He will receive you with full affection. You must rule the kingdom and then come to Me." The Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord)) Sri Maha Vishnu also assured Dhruva that after ruling the kingdom for a long time he would occupy a most exalted position in the firmament as a star around whom the constellation of the Seven Rishis and other galaxies would revolve. Dhruva is the Pole / guiding star for all mariners for the past several millions of years; and even now during night times. (Recently powerful Radar / Geo-positioning Satellite Guiding systems are used to navigate ships, aero-planes or even cars during day and night). Dhruva, on his return to the kingdom was received with ceremonial honours by his penitent and joyous father. Dhruva consoled his father by reminding him that all are forms of Narayana. Uthaanapaada entrusted the kingdom to the six-year old Dhruva, saying that a boy who could get the Divine vision and Grace at that tender age, could rule the kingdom. He retired to Skanda Ashrama, seeking realisation of the Divine.

Dhruva ruled for a long time of 1008 years, very wisely and well, maintaining justice and peace. When his sojourn in the world came to an end, a celestial chariot came to take him to ‘God’s Abode’. He told the charioteer that God was everywhere and so the question of taking him to god’s place did not arise. So saying, he sat down closing his eyes in meditation and merged in Bhagavan Sri Narayana.

The infinite power of Bhakthi (true devotion to the Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord))) must be understood by all. It contains all the six qualities, namely, Bhukthi(Food), Rakthi (Desire), Yukthi (Knowledge of how to love all), Anurakthi (detachment), Virakthi (cessation of desires), and Mukthi (Liberation). When from the root word Bhagawan the root word, "Bhag", is taken and combined with "Kthi" which is common in all the six qualities it becomes "Bhakthi" The story of Dhruva must teach the student the value of firm determination and devotion to God. Compiler : Prof. Komaragiri Venkata Ramana Rao. Ph.D., (Retired Professor; Andhra University College of Engineering); Astrologer-Scienitst. Durham. NC; U.S.A.: (Tatayya = Grand-father). My e-mail address : ----------------- I dedicate all these stories in the blog to Sri Parama Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara !

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