Thursday, December 16, 2010


The Story of Dhruva

Published on Dec—16—2010 (Thursday) Sri Vaikuntha Eakadasi in American continent (both north and south American countires). Part-1

Uthaanapaada is the the elder of the two sons of Manu. He gave to mankind the Dharma Sasthra, (the code of Righteousness) had two wives, Suruchi and Suneethi. Uthama was the son of Suruchi, the younger queen while Dhruva was born to Suneethi.

One day, both the boys were playing in the garden. Spotting their doting father sitting on the throne, they rushed forward to sit on their father’s (king’s) lap. While Uthama (seven years old son) sat on his father’s lap, the five-year son Dhruva was prevented by Suruchi; she said harshly that only her son had the right to sit on the king’s lap and pushed Dhruva out. The king watched this injustice silently. Dhruva went to straight to his mother Suneethi and sat in her lap weeping. When he started criticising his step-mother for her rude action, his mother silenced him and said, "Desist from criticising anyone. If you criticise others the defects pointed out by you will come to you. Accept everything as something good." So saying she advised Dhruva to go to the forest and do penance to secure the Grace of Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord)) Sri Narayana (Sri Maha Vishnu), who was the only divine Saviour of the helpless. Dhruva obeyed his mother implicitly and proceeded to the forest without any fear and with full faith in his mother’s words that God was the only refuge for the forlorn. Having noticed this wonderful determination of the young boy who was ready to brave the perils of the forest with firm determination grear divine sage Narada appeared before him and tried to dissuade him from undertaking a severe penance to earn the Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord))’s Grace. But Dhruva refused to go back and expressed his full confidence that he would surely succeed in winning the Bhagavan Sri Narayana’s (Bhagavan (Lord)’s) Grace with his mother’s blessings and his unshakable faith. This is the ideal that today’s students should learn and practise . Narada was pleased with the young Dhruva’s firm faith and initiated him in the chanting of the eight-lettered (Ashta-akshari) highly sacred mantra, "Aum Namo Narayanaya". Dhruva did intense (tapas) penance, giving up food and drink, and was reduced to a skeleton. He transcended his Food Sheath (Annamaya Kosa) and his Pranamaya Kosa (Vital Sheath). He was saturated with the Bhagavan Sri Narayayana’s (Bhagavan (Lord))’s name, which he chanted with each breath ceaselessly. His mind sheath (Manomaya Kosa) was also dedicated to the Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord)), driving away all other thoughts. His entire being was filled with bliss in the contemplation of the Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord)). This is another ideal taught by Dhruva to students that meditation must be with total concentration on the Divine Form. Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord)) Narayana appeared before Dhruva, whose radiance went on intensifying as the Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord)) was approaching him. Looking at the majestic form of the Cosmic Bhagavan Sri Maha Vishnu (Bhagavan (Lord)), Dhruva burst into ecstatic praise. He exclaimed and prayed emotionally :

y'ontaH praviSya mama vAcaM imAm prasuptAM
sanjIvayaty-akhila-Sakti-dharas svadhAmnA /
anyAMSca hasta caraNa-SravaNa-tvagAdhIn
prANAn-namo bhagavate purushAya tubhyaM //

My Lord, I make my prostrations to You. You are the One who has entered into me as my inner soul making me speak. My speech has been dormant all along. You are the One who makes my ears hear, my hands work, my feet walk, my tactile senses to feel, my life to vibrate - all by your Glory, my Lord, who wields Infinite Power.

"O Bhagavan (Bhagavan (Lord))! Till now You were in me and You have come out to Grace me. Are You going to leave me?" Dhruva who entered the forest for tapas in order to bring God before him, so that he could win from him a status for his mother and himself equal to that of the chief queen and her son, realised that it was too unworthy a boon to demand from the almighty. He therefore asked for liberation from birth and death and external company of the Bhagavan Sri Maha Vishnu (Bhagavan (Lord)).----(to be continued tomorrow). Published on Dec—16—2010 (Thursday) Sri Vaikuntha Eakadasi in American continent (both north and south American countires, west of western longitude 50* and all lattitudes). Compiler : Prof. Komaragiri Venkata Ramana Rao. Ph.D., (Retired Professor; Andhra University College of Engineering); Astrologer-Scienitst. Durham. NC; U.S.A.: (Tatayya = Grand-father). My e-mail address : I dedicate all these stories in the blog to Sri Parama Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka, Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara !

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