Sunday, June 24, 2012

King Bhartruhari becomes a Viraagi (Ascetic)

June - 24 - 2012                                                         (Sunday)
Perhaps there will be no Bhaarateeya (Indian) who did not hear about “Bhartruhari Subhaashitam”. He was the Bhraata (brother) of the great Vikramaaditya maharaja. He was a great Samskruta (kavi poet in Sanskrit). In addition to Subhaashita-Ratnaavali, he wrote divya granthas like: “Vaakyapradeepam” (a vyaakarana grantham), “Raahata kaavyam”, “Kaarika” (Pantanjala mahabhaashya vyaakarana ruupam).
Vararuchi, Vikramaaditya, Bhatti and Bhrartruhari were the priya-putras (daling sons) of Keshava Sharma.  Bhrartruhari was made the King and he did Raajya-paalana (rule the kingdom) for around 50 years before Shaalivaahana Shakam. From childhood, Bhartruhari was always interested in Saadhu, Sajjana seva (service to ascetics and hermits .
Once a poor Braahmana (Priest) in Bhrartruhari’s Raajyam (kingdom) did upaasana (religious austerities) of Goddess Bhuvaneshvarii Maata. He knew sakala mantra-shaastras. Bhuvaneshvarii devi appeared before him and gave him a divya-phalam (divine fruit) and said that whoever eats this phalam (fruit) will not have jaraa-maranam (will not become old and be immortal). The Braahmana (Priest) thought like this “I am a poor Braahmana. What rakshana (protection) of others can I do even by living for long.  Anyway since I am Braahmana, I must do Bhiksha-aatana (begging alms) and eat. If I give this to the Raaja (king), he can do great seva (service) to the praja (people) and do their Rakshana”. Thinking like this he went to Bhartruhari and gave his aashiirvaadam (blessing), the divya-phalam (divine fruit) and told its Mahima (divine power).
However Bhartruhari gave it to his priyaa (beloved), Anangasena. She in turn gave it to her priya-sakha (beloved), an ashva-poshaka (horse-trainer). The ashva-poshaka gave the divya-phalam to his daasi (servant maid) and she in turn gave to her priya (beloved), a Gopaalaka (cattle keeper). The Gopaalaka gave the divya-phalam to his priyatama (beloved). She kept it in the basket in which she was carrying cattle-dung and was going through Raaja-viidhi (main street) to her house. To his surprise Bhrartruhari saw that the divya-phalam (divine fruit) finally reached in such a place. He called her and got to know the entire story.
Knowing what had happened, he got Virakti (disenchanted) on samsaaram (worldly affairs).  He realized that everything is mithya (false; a mirage) and Bhagavat-bhakti (devotion to God) is only shaashvatam (everlasting). He then left for the aranyas (forests) to do Tapas, giving the Divya-phalam (divine fruit) to Vikramaaditya.  Aaha! Vidhi (Fate) is great. Finally the phalam reached the person who deserved it.
Bhartruhari then wrote Neetishatakam, Shrugaarashatakam and Vairaagyashatakam. He spent the rest of his life as a Viraagi (ascetic) doing Daiva-dhyaanam (devotion to God). Once, taking pity on an old Braahmana, Vikramaaditya gave away the divya-phalam to him!
रत्नैर्महार्हैस्तुतुषुर्न देवा भेजिरे भीम-विषेण भीतिम्।
सुधां विना परयुर्विरामं निश्चितार्थाद्विरमन्ति धीराः॥
भर्तृहरेः नीतिशतकम्
ratnairmahārhaistutuṣurna devā na bhejire bhīma-viṣeṇa bhītim |
sudhāṁ vinā na parayurvirāmaṁ na niścitārthādviramanti dhīrāḥ||
— bhartṛhar nītiśatakam
Morals in the story:
1.    Paropakaara buddhi (helping others) of Bhaarateeyas (Indians) is well shown in this story through the Braahmana who did upaasana of Bhuvaneshvarii devi and the great Vikramaaditya maharaja.
2.    The Braahmana showed us what is Nishkaama Bhakti (selfless devotion). Though Bhuvaneshvarii devi gave him the divya-phalam, he gave it to the King, who can protect many more.
3.    Saadhu, Sajjana seva (serving good natured mild persons), respecting elders are great sadgunas (good qualties). Bhartruhari was always interested in them.
Compiler : Prof. Komaragiri Venkata Ramana Rao. Ph.D., (Retired Professor; Andhra University College of Engineering); Astrologer-Scienitst. Durham. NC; U.S.A.: (Tatayya = Grand-father). My e-mail address : I dedicate all these stories in the blog to Sri Parama  Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka,  Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara ! 

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