Friday, March 2, 2012

Poundareeka Vaasudeva

Mar—2—2012          (Friday)                                                                                   Poundareeka was the Raaja of Karuusha desham. He always used to try to imitate Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna.      He used to dress like Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna, wearing Piitaambaram, carrying Venu and Shikhi Pichchham (peacock’s feather) on the kiriitam (crown). He also got imitations of Sudarshana Chakram, Paanchajanya Shankam, Koumodaki Gada, Padmam, Shaarnga Dhanuh (bow). He also put a mark on his Vakshasthalam and said it is Kaustubham.
Though he was doing all this, Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the Purushottama, never got Krodham. He thought may be atleast by imitating My outward appearance, his internal behaviour will change.
But no. Poundareeka was no Bhakta to imitate outward appearance of Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna and change his buddhi. Infact, he started saying he is the “true Vaasudeva”, not Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna. He used to tell everybody, with Ahankaaram, that He is Paramaatma not Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna.
Sarvagnya, Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna, even then didnt get any Krodham. He tolerated the duushanams of Poundareeka. However once with Garvam, Poundareeka went to the extent of imprisoning Parama Bhakta and sakha of Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna, Sudaama.
Bhagavaan can tolerate anything but not His Bhaktas being tortured. He immediately reached Poundareeka, killed him in a fight and saved Sudaama, His priya-mitra. Once again God proved that He is a Bhakta-sulabha.
Morals in the Story:
1.    Imitating, following Mahaapurushas is good, but following them fully is very very difficult. Poundareeka could only imitate outward appearance but not the Dharma-buddhi of Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna.
2.    Ahankaaram (ego) is the root cause for one’s destruction. With Ahankaaram, Poundareeka thought he was only God, behaved like a Kruura and imprisoned Bhakta Sudaama.
3.    The greatness of a Bhakta is well shown in the story. Shri Bhagavan Sri Krishna didnt get angry with Poundareeka until he tortured His bhakta, Sudaama.  ==============================

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