Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bad Effects of association with sinners

Dushta-saangatya Dosham

(Bad Effects of association with sinners)
Nov-13-2011               Sunday
On the way to the great Ujjaini city, there was a Pippala-Vruksham (Ashwattha Vruksham). On the tree, a Vaayasam (crow) and a Hamsa (Swan) lived.  One afternoon, when Surya-deva (Sun) was showing His power, came a Paantha (traveller). He was not able to tolerate the heat,and desired taking rest in the shade of the Ashwattha Vruksham. When he was taking rest, the Hamsa (Swan) saw that, through the gaps between leaves of tree, sun-light was directly falling on the face of the Paantha.                                                                                                    Hamsa (Swan), who was a Dayaalu, could not see this and spread out his wings and thus gave shade to the Paantha sleeping under the tree. Seeing the Paantha was sleeping happily, the Vaayasam (crow) got envy due to his bad nature (Dushta-svabhaavam). The Vaayasam (crow), out of Matsaram (envy), dropped his excretions on the face of the sleeping traveler and flew away.                                                                         Though it had nothing to gain by troubling the traveler, it troubled him because,  its nature of paining others; this gives pleasure. The Paantha woke up and saw the Hamsa (Swan) which was above him and thinking that it has dropped this excretion on him, shot it with an arrow. The innocent Hamsa (Swan) fell down and died.
Morals in the Story:
1.   The Daya (kindness) of Hamsa (Swan) is great. Not able to see the difficulty of the traveler, it spread its wings, took all the heat and protected the traveler. There is no greater Dharmam (virtue) than Paropakaaram (helping others in need).
2.   Even though the Hamsa (Swan) is a good-natured, just because it stayed with the Vaayasam (crow) (bad natured), it got into difficulties. One must never be in the Saagatyam (company) of bad. Durjanas (Sinners) not only destroy themselves, but also others (good natured) with them.
3.   Krodham (anger) is one’s greatest enemy. Because of his anger, the traveler, without thinking what actually happened, killed the innocent Hamsa (Swan). Coming under Krodham one can do any great paapam( sin), hence one must always refrain from anger.  .------- Compiler : Prof. Komaragiri Venkata Ramana Rao. Ph.D., (Retired Professor; Andhra University College of Engineering); Astrologer-Scienitst. Durham. NC; U.S.A.: (Tatayya = Grand-father). My e-mail address : I dedicate all these stories in the blog with utmost devotion to Sri Parama  Paalakas (Supreme Rulers of this entire Universe): Bhagavan Sri Siddhi Vinayaka,  Sri Lakshmi Narayana and Sri Gouri Sankara and Sri Saraswathi and Bhagavan Sri Venkateswara !  Aum tat sath !  ==================================================

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